Step by step utility discover tutorial

Welcome to StreamNFT's Utility Discover tutorial ! Here you can find a step by step guide to discover available benefits on your NFTs and explore our rewards marketplace !

1. Click on “Connect wallet” to get started.

2. Go to “Discover rewards” section to find all NFT collections with rewards.

3. Select the NFT collection and click on “Rewards Available.”

4. Review the individual NFT rewards, including those specific to certain traits.

5. Click on “Redeem” to interact with the NFT utility.

6. Rewards can either be instantly claimable or may require you to complete tasks.

8. Once redeemed, the reward is consumed and cannot be transferred to a new owner

9. Click on Verify to register completion of tasks

10. Click on "Claim"

11. For raffles, wait until the claim date to find out the winners, or claim instantly if available.

12. Click on “Rewards Marketplace” to view all available rewards on the platform.

13. View all available utilities and select a specific utility to claim the rewards.

Last updated